(The Great Controversy)

                                                                                       (Kemenangan Akhir)


Understanding the Future! Go behind the Main News! Read Some Future News today! When you understand the Bible and Prophecy, you will have peace of mind! You will understand God's special message for you! Through this page God will speak to your heart directly. God uses this great prophetic book to speak with "every nation, language, and people." Revelation 14: 06. The Great Controversy is the last book in the Conflict of the Ages series. This brings the story of the conflict between God and Satan. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecution of Christians in the days of the Roman Empire, apostasy from the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and religious awakening throughout the nineteenth century, this book traces conflict to the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glory of the earth which is made new. As an interesting ending that is ever close, the vital problem of loyalty to God will be decisive. In this book concludes, the author expressly demonstrates the principles involved in future conflicts and how each person can stand firm for God and His truth.

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The Great Controversy, Table of Contents

Preface iii
Introduction v
Table of Contents xiii
Chapter 1—The Destruction of Jerusalem 17      Video                   Lineage
Chapter 2—Persecution in the First Centuries 39      Video                   Lineage
Chapter 3—An Era of Spiritual Darkness 49      Video                   Lineage
Chapter 4—The Waldenses 61      Video                   Lineage
Chapter 5—John Wycliffe 79      Video                   Lineage
Chapter 6—Huss and Jerome 97      Video                   Lineage 
Chapter 7—Luther's Separation From Rome 120    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 8—Luther Before the Diet 145    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 9—The Swiss Reformer 171    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 10—Progress of Reform in Germany 185    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 11—Protest of the Princes 197    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 12—The French Reformation 211    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 13—The Netherlands and Scandinavia 237    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 14—Later English Reformers 245    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 15—The Bible and the French Revolution 265    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 16—The Pilgrim Fathers 289    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 17—Heralds of the Morning 299    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 18—An American Reformer 317    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 19—Light Through Darkness 343    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 20—A Great Religious Awakening 355    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 21—A Warning Rejected 375    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 22—Prophecies Fulfilled 391    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 23—What is the Sanctuary? 409    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 24—In the Holy of Holies 423    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 25—God's Law Immutable 433    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 26—A Work of Reform 451    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 27—Modern Revivals 461    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 28—Facing Life's Record 479    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 29—The Origin of Evil 492    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 30—Enmity Between Man and Satan 505    Video                   Lineage
Chapter 31—Agency of Evil Spirits 511     Video                  Lineage
Chapter 32—Snares of Satan 518
Chapter 33—The First Great Deception 531
Chapter 34—Can Our Dead Speak to Us? 551
Chapter 35—Liberty of Conscience Threatened 563
Chapter 36—The Impending Conflict 582
Chapter 37—The Scriptures a Safeguard 593
Chapter 38—The Final Warning 603
Chapter 39—The Time of Trouble 613
Chapter 40—God's People Delivered 635
Chapter 41—Desolation of the Earth 653
Chapter 42—The Controversy Ended 662
Appendix 679


KEMENANGAN AKHIR, Table of Contents

Bab 1—Keruntuhan Kota Yerusalem 17
Bab 2—Penganiayaan pada Abad-abad Permulaan 40
Bab 3—Zaman Kegelapan Rohani 51
Bab 4—Orang-orang Waldensia 64
Bab 5—John Wycliffe 83
Bab 6—Huss dan Jerome 101
Bab 7—Pemisahan Diri Luther dari Roma 126
Bab 8—Luther di Hadapan Mahkamah 152
Bab 9—Pembaru Swiss 178
Bab 10—Kemajuan Pembaruan di Jerman 192
Bab 11—Protes Para Pangeran 205
Bab 12—Reformasi di Perancis 220
Bab 13—Negeri Belanda dan Skandinavia 247
Bab 14—Para Pembaru Inggris yang Muncul Kemudian 256
Bab 15—Alkitab dan Revolusi Perancis 277
Bab 16—Bapa-bapa Musafir 302
Bab 17—Berita Kedatangan Kristus 313
Bab 18—Pembaru Amerika 332
Bab 19—Terang Menerobos Kegelapan 359
Bab 20—Kebangunan Keagamaan yang Besar 372
Bab 21—Amaran Ditolak 393
Bab 22—Nubuatan-nubuatan Digenapi 409
Bab 23—Apakah Bait Suci Itu? 428
Bab 24—Di Bilik yang Mahakudus 443
Bab 25—Hukum Allah yang Tidak Dapat Diubah 453
Bab 26—Pekerjaan Pembaruan 471
Bab 27—Kebangunan Rohani Modern 482
Bab 28—Pengadilan Pemeriksaan 501
Bab 29—Asai Mula Dosa 515
Bab 30—Permusuhan antara Manusia dan Setan 529
Bab 31—Agen Roh-roh Jahat 536
Bab 32—Jerat-jerat Setan 544
Bab 33—Penipuan Besar Pertama 558
Bab 34—Spiritisme 579
Bab 35—Tujuan Kepausan 592
Bab 36—Pertentangan yang Segera akan Terjadi 612
Bab 37—Alkitab Suatu Perlindungan 624
Bab 38—Amaran Terakhir 635
Bab 39—Waktu Kesesakan yang Besar 646
Bab 40—Umat Allah Dilepaskan 670
Bab 41—Dunia Sunyi Senyap 689
Bab 42—Pertikaian Berakhir 699


An in-depth study guide to the book Great Controversy:

  1. The Destruction of Jerusalem
  2. Persecution in the First Centuries
  3. An Era of Spiritual Darkness
  4. The Waldenses
  5. John Wycliffe
  6. Huss and Jerome
  7. Luther's Separation From Rome
  8. Luther Before the Diet
  9. The Swiss Reformer
  10. Progress of Reform in Germany
  11. Protest of the Princes
  12. The French Reformation
  13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia
  14. Later English Reformers
  15. The Bible and the French Revolution
  16. The Pilgrim Fathers
  17. Heralds of the Morning
  18. An American Reformer
  19. Light Through Darkness
  20. A Great Religious Awakening
  21. A Warning Rejected
  22. Prophecies Fulfilled
  23. What is the Sanctuary?
  24. In the Holy and Holies
  25. God's Law Immutable
  26. A Work of Reform
  27. Modern Revivals
  28. Facing Life's Record
  29. The Origin of Evil
  30. Enmity Between Man and Satan
  31. Agency of Evil Spirits
  32. Snares of Satan
  33. The First Great Deception
  34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us?
  35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened
  36. The Impending Conflict
  37. The Scriptures a Safeguard
  38. The Final Warning
  39. The Time of Trouble
  40. God's People Delivered
  41. Desolation of the Earth
  42. The Controversy Ended