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Ellen G. White Books: Click Here

The Acts Of The Apostles By Ellen G White:

Description:The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in Volume 4, The Acts of the Apostles. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to Jesus' church on earth. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. That story is still continuing. Christ's church today is carrying forward the same work and has the same promise of divine guidance and power. In Indonesian Click Here


The Adventist Home By Ellen G White:

Description:This compilation contains practical counsel for Christian families, including guidance on where to locate the home and how to make it pleasant, and counsel on how to get along with other family. In Indonesian click here


An Appeal To Mothers By Ellen G White:

Description:This book was the first Ellen G. White writing in the field of health after the vision of June 6, 1863. It depicts the perils of secret vice. It was reprinted by James White in 1870 in the book, A Solemn Appeal Relative to Solitary Vice and the Abuses and Excesses of the Marriage Relation. It is also paralleled in the Testimonies, and was drawn from heavily for Child Guidance in the section “Preserving Moral Integrity.”


An Appeal To The Youth By Ellen G White:

Description:An Appeal to the Youth is a collection of letters written by Ellen White to her children, prior to the death of her eldest son, Henry, at the age of 16. These letters are an excerpt from the complete publication, which originally included Uriah Smith's address at Henry White's funeral, as well as text from other authors.


To Be Like Jesus By Ellen G White(Devotionals):

Description: “We can have what Enoch had. We can have Christ as our constant companion.” The Shepherd knows His sheep. When we stumble, He lifts us up, binds our wounds, and leads us on to victory. By daily surrender to His will we can enjoy sweet communion with God. Our trembling hand in His, we walk side by side through trial and tempest into a future bright with promise. “E'en though the path I may not see, Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee.” Ellen White knew the Shepherd. She has nourished the Spirit of Millions with her deeply spiritual messages. Empasizing a different theme each month, this fresh compilation from her pen calls us into a deeper fellowship with God and equips us for the journey. Each devotional is a moment with the Master—another step in an ever—sweeter journey with Jesus.


A Call To Medical Evangelism And Health Education By Ellen G White:

Description: In these last days of earth’s history, those who meet the medical needs of others will have the door opened to meet spiritual needs as well. Christ Himself “went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil.” His healing was not only physical, but spiritual as well. This exceptional book by Ellen White is a call to—the church and to individuals—help others with medical and spiritual needs. When we follow this counsel, we are heeding the advice of Isaiah 58, which outlines our responsibility to help those who are sick and needy. This is the true service that God wants from us, and that is so powerfully called for in this timeless book.


A Call To Stand Apart By Ellen G White:

Description: The original source material for modern English book—A Call to Stand Apart.


Child Guidance By Ellen G White:

Description: Child Guidance covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, respect, honesty, cleanliness, and courtesy. It includes guidance on how to teach self-denial, how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, evoke penitence without resentment, and conduct effective family worships.In Indonesian click here.


Chirst In His Sanctuary By Ellen G White:

Description: The sanctuary in heaven is the very center of Christ's work in behalf of men. It concerns every soul living upon the earth. It opens to view the plan of redemption, bringing us down to the very close of time and revealing the triumphant issue of the contest between righteousness and sin. It is of the utmost importance that all should thoroughly investigate these subjects and be able to give an answer to everyone that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them.—Ellen G. White


Christ’s Object Lessons By Ellen G White:

Description: In this devotional classic, Ellen G. White explores the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. Writing not as a dry historical scholar or technical commentator, but as a messenger pleading the case of the Lord she loves, the author provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Those who attempt to underline the choicest passages often give up after finding entire pages underlined. In the pages of this book generations of readers have heard the same voice that spoke the parables so long ago still speaking to their heart, saying “Come to Me.” In Indonesian click here


Christ Triumphant By Ellen G White(Devotionals):

Description: Daily readings— drawn from letters, manuscripts, and other Ellen White sources— pull together to illustrate the background, purpose, and enormity of the great controversy battle. And, as the title suggests, each reading declares the power of God to overcome in the fierce conflict, despite the foreboding.


Christian Education By Ellen G White:

Description: The articles included in this book are presented without abridgement and are arranged chronologically. Most of the articles do not appear in other published volumes.


Christian Experience And Teachings Of Ellen G White:

Description: This book is a personal narrative of Ellen G. White’s early life, highlighting some of her more important visions.


Christian Leadership By Ellen G White:

Description: This compilation of statements regarding organization and co-working within the church was originally produced as a handbook for gospel workers. The counsel contained gives insight and guidance for the work of both ministers and laymen. Practical topics touch on issues such as management and business practices, cooperation among the brethren, and the important foundation of personal piety.In Indonesian click here


Christian Service By Ellen G White:

Description: God might have chosen unfallen angels as His representatives on earth. Instead he chose us. “Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life” (The Desire of Ages, 195).This volume is a call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning. Invaluable to ministers, teachers, and church leaders, it will be appreciated by all who, in fellowship with Christ, seek to fulfill the gospel commission. Topics include personal preparation, training, organizing, the health and publishing ministries, and methodology. Every child of God reflects the light of the world to others. These pages explain how to polish the human mirror so that it may reveal truth more clearly, and thus attract others by its beauty. In Indonesia click here: Pg 001-101, Pg 102-201, Pg 202-301, Pg 302-End.


Christian Temperance And Bible Hygiene By Ellen G White:

Description: One of the earliest compilations of Ellen White's writings, this book was put together under her supervision and careful examination. Previously-published and unpublished texts on the topic of health form the foundation of Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, with emphasis on simple, practical, healthful Christianity. Themes include parental training, home influences, diet and temperance, and our duty in social relationships. Touching every aspect of life, this book gives much-needed guidance for all.


The Colporteur Evangelist By Ellen G White:

Description: This compilation of statements regarding the canvassing work highlights the importance of the publishing ministry, the need for the literature to be carried to the world, and the qualifications needed in colporteur evangelism. The content of this publication was reprinted in the book Colporteur Ministry, and provides an excellent handbook for anyone involved in the distribution of literature—whether full-time or as a layperson.

Colporteur Ministry

Essentially a reprint of The Colporteur Evangelist, this compilation of statements regarding the canvassing work highlights the importance of the publishing ministry, the need for the literature to be carried to the world, and the qualifications needed

Conflict And Courage By Ellen G White(Devotionals):

Description: Prophets and priests, kings and apostles, parade though the inspired pages of this daily devotional. Arranged roughly in chronological order, each reading focuses on some decisive moment in salvation history, and shows how the lessons of the past illuminate our future. In the exploits and failures of saints and sinners we find counsel, comfort and hope for today a passing of the torch so that the same faith that blazed in God's servants of old might burn anew in us.


Confrontation By Ellen G White:

Description: Jesus, the Creator, was once put to the test in a lonely desert by Satan, His most cunning creature. The fate of the world hung in the balance. Emaciated by 40 days of fasting, He faced the most enticing sophistries of the great deceiver and met each seductive argument with Scripture: “It is written.” Confrontation explains the secret of Jesus' victory in the wilderness of temptation, and how it can be yours today. Ellen White delves beneath the surface to reveal the eternal consequences at stake in the ongoing battle between good and evil. This volume will give you spiritual strength and added courage in your own struggles with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.


Counsels For The Church By Ellen G White:

Description: Counsels for the Church is a comprehensive selection of inspired materials from Ellen White that first appeared in books and periodicals during her lifetime. Grouped into sixty-six chapters, this counsel and instruction covers a wide range of topics. Because of space limitations, the compilers selected only the most essential and practical counsels on themes of significance and practical value to both the church and the individual. They are designed to draw Christians closer to God, giving them deeper insights into how to live daily in His love and grace. In Indonesian click here.


Counsels On Diet And Food By Ellen G White:

Description: Decades before many physiologists were concerned with the close relationship between diet and health, Ellen G. White in her writings clearly pointed out the connection between the food we eat and our physical and spiritual welfare. In her discourses and writings from 1863 onward, she discussed frequently the importance of diet and adequate nutrition. Her counsels, as preserved in pamphlets and books, in the journals of the denomination, and in personal testimonies, have exerted a strong influence on the dietetic habits of Seventh-day Adventists, and indirectly have left their impress upon the general public. In assembling the materials comprising Counsels on Diet and Foods, an effort was made to include the full range of instruction on the subject from Mrs. White's pen. The resulting compilation is unique for it presents the counsels clustered topically under a general heading, with no attempt to provide a continuity in reading.In Indonesian click here.


Counsels On Health By Ellen G White:

Description: Throughout her ministry Ellen White devoted much effort and thought to alleviating the sorrows of the sick and suffering and to pointing them to the Great Physician who is able to heal to the uttermost—both physically and spiritually. This volume brings together the counsels Ellen White received on this topic during seven decades. Topics include Essentials to Health, Diet and Health, Outdoor Life and Physical Activity, Teaching Health Principles, and Holiness of Life—as well as practical advice for doctors, nurses, and others who are engaged in healthcare.


Counsels On Sabbath School Work By Ellen G White:

Description: An hour. That’s all the time a Sabbath school leader has to make a lasting impression on minds exposed to many hours of secular indoctrination by the media each week. To help make the most of that hour is the purpose of this book. The author provides inspired instruction on the qualifications of a teacher, appropriate attitudes, methods of teaching, discipline, gaining respect, encouraging generosity, meeting controversy, and many other practical topics. Rather than merely conveying information, the Spirit-controlled teacher may impart a spark of holy fire, making the Bible come alive so that its principles are reproduced in the life. This book explains how to achieve that result make the Sabbath school a soul-winning agency. Counsels on Sabbath School Work incorporates the instruction by Ellen G. White recorded in Testimonies on Sabbath School Work as well as added counsel pertaining to this line of activity which has appeared since then in her writings. Sabbath school off.


Counsels On Stewardship By Ellen G White:

Description: Stewardship is properly managing the resources that God has committed to our care.This volume gathers together all of Ellen White's published statements on the subject. Topics discussed include tithing, indebtedness, charity, making a will and soliciting funds from outside sources.  What about speculating in the markets? Does God require us to dispose of our property? How can children be taught economy? What is the divine antidote for covetousness? God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: “Give, and it shall be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will repay rich dividends. You can't take it with you, but you can send it ahead before you go. This book tells you how.In Indonesian: Click Here


Counsels To Parents, Teachers, And Students By Ellen G White:

Description: In this book, counsel is given on conducting a school, with special attention to subject matter, discipline, and objectives to be emphasized.


Counsels To Writers And Editors By Ellen G White:

Description: Counsels to Writers and Educators gives inspired counsel on the principles of Christian book and periodical editing, as well as other factors in the production of gospel literature.


Country Living By Ellen G White:

Description: The advantages of country living have been repeatedly stressed through the Spirit of prophecy counsels. Through the years thousands of Seventh-day Adventists have been guided in the choice of home environments and in their relationships to organizations of the world by the widely published testimony counsels on these vital points. As the omens of the impending crisis indicate the subtlety of the perils and the fury of the conflict before us, this counsel is republished to engage the attention of every church member. Presented with these statements are the more detailed instruction printed from time to time in publications or letters of counsel.


Darkness Before Dawn By Ellen G White:

Description: As the crises in the world become greater and more frequent, people are left with questions. Why do sin and suffering exist? What's still to come? How can we face the trials and catastrophes? And how can we be truly victorious in this life? The daily devotional texts in this book are drawn from Ellen White's book, The Great Controversy, and answer these questions, as well as giving guidance and insight into our world today and how we can show God's character through the miasma of the modern world.


Daughters Of God By Ellen G White:

Description: “Lord, how shall I best serve and glorify Thy name in the earth? How shall I conduct my life to make Thy name a praise in the earth, and lead others to love, serve, and honor Thee? Let me only desire and choose Thy will. Let the words and example of my Redeemer be the light and strength of my heart. While I follow and trust in Him, He will not leave me to perish. He shall be my crown of rejoicing.”– Review and Herald, Aug. 10, 1886. Designed to be an encouragement, inspiration, and affirmation to women around the globe, this compilation brings together significant portions of Ellen White's counsel to women in the work of God. It includes counsels that lead women to strive for the highest ideals in whatever walk of life they find themselves, be it personal or professional. Every women is of inestimable value in the sight of our heavenly Father. He created woman to stand by the side of man, equal in value before God, and associated with him in the work he was given to do.


The Desire Of Ages By Ellen G White:

Description: The Desire of Ages (Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series) is Ellen White’s classic on the life of Jesus—the One who stands at the center of all human history. No one else has had such a profound influence on Planet Earth as Jesus Christ. In this book the author does not set forth the events of Jesus’ life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. She presents the divine beauty of the life of the Savior, the love of God as revealed in His Son. New and glorious light flashes from many familiar passages of Scripture. Follow Jesus in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem’s stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven.In Indonesian click here.


Early Writings By Ellen G White:

Description: This volume is a comprehensive selection of Ellen G. White’s published writings from the 1850s, along with a prologue explaining the historical background of the text. The autobiographical section of the book describes the author’s conversion experience, the Millerite movement of 1840-1844, and the early visions that formed the foundation of her theology and ministry. A second section contains counsel on various matters pertaining the experience of the early Adventist believers. The final half of the book traces salvation history from the fall of Satan in heaven to the final end of sin and sinners. This material forms the core of the later five-volume Conflict of the Ages Series. Ellen White’s bold apocalyptic imagery helped to shape a movement centered on the hope of the Second Coming. This volume bears witness that God continues to reveal Himself through dreams and visions to chosen individuals today. In Indonesian click here.


Education By Ellen G White:

Description: This classic work on education sets forth the unique and challenging idea that “the work of education and the work of redemption are one.” The ultimate goal of all learning should be to understand more about our Creator-Redeemer and to reflect that understanding in our personal lives. In her writings on this subject, Ellen White was concerned, not with details of curriculum or educational systems, but with great, guiding principles. The result is a penetrating look at the factors that make up true education in its broadest sense. The reader will find in these pages insights to guide not only parents, students, and teachers, but all who seek true education in the great school of life. In Indonesian

click here


From Eternity Past By Ellen G White:

Description: Focusing on the time from creation until the last days of King David, this condensed version of Patriarchs and Prophets delves into the origins of the great controversy between God and Satan, chronicles the battle as it transferred to Earth, and illustrates how God's faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series, From Eternity Past describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take a stand for truth even in our day. And in it all, we see that “God is Love.”


Evangelism By Ellen G White:

Description: Presenting God’s last warning message to a doomed world is the “highest, greatest work” ever given to human beings. This comprehensive handbook on evangelism shows how appropriate strategies and personal preparation of both head and heart empower the Christian to lead people to accept Christ and prepare for His soon return. Jesus said, “Go and teach all nations.” His followers obeyed, and “returned with joy.” The guiding principles and detail advice in this volume will enable the reader to avoid many pitfalls and succeed in the joyful work of soul winning.


Faith And Works By Ellen G White:

Description: Salvation is by faith alone, but faith is never alone. That is the message of these 18 readings (written 1881-1902) on the topic of salvation. The gem of the collection is an 1890 manuscript, perhaps Ellen White's most definitive statement on justification by faith, written during the theological ferment that followed that Minneapolis General Conference of 1888. While emphasizing the importance of obedience, she wrote, “It is not possible to effect anything in our standing before God or in the gift of God to us through creature merit. . . . Justification is wholly of grace and not procured by any works that fallen man can do. . . . Any works that man can render to God will be far less than nothingness.” This volume portrays a God of grace who embraces every sinful, struggling soul who accepts His offer of righteousness by faith.



The Faith I Live By By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: This devotional book is devoted exclusively to the subject of Bible doctrines. Providing both inspiration and information, each month focuses on a different topic. The daily readings are selections from Ellen White's previously published and unpublished writings that relate to the basic truths of Scripture. The book is extensively indexed with Scripture, topical, and outline indexes.


From The Heart By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: Ellen G. White's regular contact with Seventh-day Adventist church members during much of her ministry was through the articles she wrote for the various church journals. Woven throughout every message was her earnest desire to lead searching hearts and minds to Jesus and to prepare each believer for His soon return. Drawn exclusively from those thousands of articles, her words of enouragement, guidance, and caution will inspire you to an ever closer walk with God.


Fundamentals Of Christian Education By Ellen G White:

Description: Compiled from various other works, these complete and unabridged articles give detailed counsel on the topic of education, while also providing the full context of each statement. From the Biblical method of schooling, to home training, to the work and qualifications of teachers, this publication gives thorough guidance for anyone working with children or in the educational field.


God’s Amazing Grace By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: “As we make Christ our daily companion we shall feel that the powers of an unseen world are all around us; and by looking unto Jesus we shall become assimilated to His image. By beholding we become changed. The characters is softened, refined, and ennobled . . . The soul that turns to God for its help, its support, its power, by daily, earnest prayer, will have noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth and duty, lofty purposes of action, and a continual hungering and thirsting after righteousness. By maintaining a connection with God, we shall be enabled to diffuse to others, through our association with them, the light, the peace, the serenity, that rule in our hearts” (p. 290). May you find the serenity that comes from knowing the One whose Spirit inspired these pages.


Gospel Workers 1915 By Ellen G White:

Description: This is a revised and enlarged compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White. It has become a highly prized handbook of counsel and instruction to ministers and to all other missionary workers connected with the Seventh-day Adventist movement.In Indonesian click here


Gospel Workers 1892 By Ellen G White:

Description: This is a revised and enlarged compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White. It has become a highly prized handbook of counsel and instruction to ministers and to all other missionary workers connected with the Seventh-day Adventist movement.


The Great Controversy By Ellen G White:

Description: Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth. In Indonesian click here.


The Great Controversy 1888 By Ellen G White:

Description: Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.


The Great Hope (Condensed):



Heaven By Ellen G White:

Description: Some of Ellen White’s earliest visions contained bright glimpses of heaven and the earth made new. When she came out of vision, this world seemed dark and lonely compared with the brilliant beauty of the world to come which she had seen so vividly. And she often struggled to find the words to describe what she had been shown in vision. This compilation gathers the choicest statements and descriptions she has given over the years about heaven—the future home of the redeemed. Here you will find not only descriptions of the glories that await, but insights into the activities of the redeemed, the certainty of Jesus’ coming to take us home, the end of evil, and how heaven can begin in our lives even now. This book will make you homesick for a home you haven’t been to—yet.


In Heavenly Places By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: This daily devotional book has been compiled largely from unpublished and out-of-print Spirit of Prophecy materials. Each day's reading is designed to bring you into a closer connection with our Lord and give you a deeper understanding of His character. Sections include insight on Christ's condescension for humanity, the work of the angels, how to maintain a wholly-devoted heart, and the special relationship God has with His church on Earth.


The Health Food Ministry By Ellen G White:

Description: This publication was compiled to form a comprehensive collection of Ellen White's statements regarding food production and distribution as part of the evangelistic work. Emphasis is placed on the use of the health food work as a way to win souls. The included counsels give encouragement—as well as warnings against dangers and misconceptions in the work—in order to ensure that this part of the right arm work remains in the right relation to the body of Christ.


Healthful Living By Ellen G White:

Description: Compiled from the writings of Ellen G. White by Dr. David Paulson, Healthful Living sets forth in topically-arranged excerpts, “in the most concise and condensed form possible the various teachings upon the subjects of health, health reform and allied matters which are to be found in the writing of Mrs. E. G. White.” Topics in this volume include physiology of the body, proper diet and habits, treatment of disease, and the work of medical missionaries.


From Heaven With Love By Ellen G White:

Description: The life of Jesus, His methods of teaching and working, His great sacrifice and love for fallen humanity. These are the themes which all of heaven delights to contemplate, and which bring the greatest joy to God's children. In lively language, and with deep lessons for our lives today, From Heaven With Love (a condensed version of The Desire of Ages) brings the reader face to face with their Saviour—the Lord of heaven, who became one of us for our redemption.


Help In Daily Living By Ellen G White:

Description: A practical guide to everyday blessings. Are you searching for life above the ordinary? Do you want true and lasting relationships, a genuine godly character, and a practical everyday faith that fills your life and the lives of those you touch with blessings? Then this powerful booklet is exactly what you need. Help in Daily Living consists of four chapters taken from the closing section of Ellen White's Ministry of Healing. Here you will find down-to-earth, everyday guidance that has helped thousands of Christians to live successful Christian lives. Each chapter is a treasure chest filled with rich gems of wisdom for getting along with yourself, with others, and with God. Carry this booklet with you. Read a page or two in your free moments, and memorize some of the gems. Put the words into practice and you’ll find that life will become richer and more meaningful.In Indonesian click here.


From Here To Forever By Ellen G White:

Description: The love and character of God has been put in question since the fall of Lucifer, who has spent millennia warring against the Lord and His faithful subjects. In this condensed version of The Great Controversy, the conflict is shown in the history of the first martyrs, the persecution of the Dark Ages, the subtle attacks in our “enlightened time,” and through prophetic views of the great final battle. Scripture declares that God's people will be victorious “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” In their every act, word, and thought, they will express their faith and assurance that “God is Love.”


Historical Sketches Of The Foreign Missions Of The Seventh-Day Adventists By Ellen G White:

Description: The E. G. White portion of this book includes her “Notes of Travel,” tracing her journey from California to Europe and her account of the first of her three visits to many of the European countries, drawn largely from her reports published in The Review and Herald. Also contained are thirteen “Practical Addresses,” given at the councils attended in September, 1885, and three concluding chapters presenting an “Appeal for Our Missions.”


Homeward Bound(Devotionals) By Ellen G White


Last Day Events By Ellen G White:

Description: A new look for an important message: In 1992 the trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate, in cooperation with Pacific Press Publishing Association, released a new compilation of Ellen White statements about the end times entitled Last Day Events. In Indonesian click here


Letters To Young Lovers By Ellen G White:

Description: This book consists of letters and other counsel which Mrs. White gave to couples in love. It is full of thoughtful advice for all contemplating marriage.In Indonesian click here.


Life Sketches Of James White And Ellen G White 1880 By Ellen G White:

Description: This publication includes chapters written by Ellen White regarding her early life and work. The autobiographical portion chronicles the progress of the Advent movement in the 1840s and 1850s. These pages are part of a larger book containing text from other authors.


Life Sketches Of James White And Ellen G White 1888 By Ellen G White:

Description: This publication includes chapters written by Ellen White regarding her early life and work. The autobiographical portion chronicles the progress of the Advent movement in the 1840s and 1850s. These pages are part of a larger book containing text from other authors.


Life Sketches Of Ellen G White By Ellen G White:

Description: Get a more personal glimpse into the life of God's messenger in Life Sketches of Ellen White. In these pages Ellen White recounts, in her own words, a brief account of her childhood days, and her early Christian experience in connection with the great second advent movement of 1840 to 1844. She vividly recalls the sorrows and joys of youthful ministry in the years following the Great Disappointment. She pictures the struggles and successes that attended the efforts of the small band of earnest souls who built up the work that would eventually become the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She goes on to tell of the extended labors of herself and her husband from their marriage until his death in 1881.


Lift Him Up By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: These daily readings each focus on the life and character of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. They lift Him up as our Teacher, Healer, King, and Redeemer. Each devotional entry is designed to bring the reader to a deeper, more complete understanding of and relationship with Him who bore our sins. For we know that “by beholding Jesus we become changed into His likeness.”


Manual For Canvassers By Ellen G White:

Description: The first of Mrs. White's compilations on the colporteur work, Manual for Canvassers touches on topics such as the importance of the publishing work, the qualifications of the workers, and practical guidance in the carrying out of literature distribution. This publication's material was reprinted in both Colporteur Evangelist and Colporteur Ministry.


Maranatha By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: The hearts of God's people, young and old, throb with intense longing for that day of deliverance so near at hand. With fast fulfilling prophecy confirming their faith in the imminence of our Lord's return, the White Estate Trustees commissioned this compilation of readings clustering about the general theme of eschatology, with emphasis upon the coming of our Lord. Key statements from Ellen G. White books, as well from many articles in the journals of the church are included. Numerous statements from unpublished manuscripts enrich the presentation.In Indonesian click here.


Medical Ministry By Ellen G White:

Description: Ellen White wrote a great deal about health. Much of her counsel in this book is directed to medical workers, but people not directly involved in health-care work also will find much of interest and value. The author placed great importance on obedience to God's law as a foundation for good health. She believed that disregarding God's moral law leads to disregard for His physical laws that govern the health of body and mind. This comprehensive view of health—one that involves body, mind, and spirit—is set forth in this book.


Messages To Young People By Ellen G White:

Description: Several generations of youth have been nourished by this uncompromising call to duty, purity, and service. The author, who began her ministry when only 17 years of age, invites youth to examine their reading, dress, music, and social life, and discard cheap amusements that retard spiritual progress. She examines those fundamental traits of character that make for success or failure in the spiritual life, and discusses practical subjects such as home and parents, health, courtship and marriage, and how to recognize true love. This bracing challenge to honor God with a self-controlled life will inspire many to join the army of dedicated youth who “climb the shining way,” who aim to “stand upon the summit of intellectual greatness” and serve their God.In Indonesian click here.


Mind, Character, And Personality, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: “To deal with minds is the nicest work in which men ever engaged,” the author states. By this is expressed the importance and nobility of our God-given task as co-workers together. This collection of inspired writings deals with a wide spectrum of topics including the place of true psychology in the gospel work, as well as the dangers of its popular counterfeit. Counsel also includes such topics as education, the importance of home influences, as well as the science behind mental growth and cultivation.


Mind, Character, And Personality, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:

Description: “To deal with minds is the nicest work in which men ever engaged,” the author states. By this is expressed the importance and nobility of our God-given task as co-workers together. This collection of inspired writings deals with a wide spectrum of topics including the place of true psychology in the gospel work, as well as the dangers of its popular counterfeit. Counsel also includes such topics as education, the importance of home influences, as well as the science behind mental growth and cultivation.


The Ministry Of Healing By Ellen G White:

Description: Many things contribute to good health—cheerfulness, fresh air, exercise, diet, and positive relationships with other people, to name a few. Crucial also is a personal relationship with the Creator who gave us life and everything we need for health and happiness. In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power. In Indonesian click here.


Ministry To The Cities By Ellen G White:

Description: This volume is a call to action—a plea for believers to work for their Savior by bringing the gospel to the millions of people in the cities of the world. Topics include the challenges of ministering in the city, strategies, methods, selecting and training workers, and lessons from Scripture.


My Life Today By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: A daily devotional book drawn from Mrs. White's writings, this volume touches every part of the Christian's life— from spiritual growth, to lessons drawn from the lives of Bible heroes, to our responsibilities to society. Many of the excerpts were taken from unpublished sources and articles, and though they focus on different points of life, they each give the same message of practical Christianity in daily life.


A New Life (Revival And Beyound) By Ellen G White:

Description: What does true conversion mean? And how can I continue growing in grace “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”? A New Life focuses on the revival and reformation process, answering questions about the theme. The text is drawn from various articles, and compiled into a small handbook.


Our Father Cares By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: The Father's love for humanity provides an endless theme for contemplation and study. This vital topic unfolds on every page of Our Father Cares. From the great sacrifice of giving His Son, to the calling we have as His children on earth, the study of His love for us personally will encourage and guide us on our upward journey.


Our High Calling By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: This daily devotional classic is a call to holiness and a primer in the Christian virtues. What is the relationship between faith and feeling? When does temptation become sin? What is God's part and what is my part in salvation? How does the Christian relate to wealth, unfair criticism, or pain? Ellen White warns against the pitfalls of the Christian path, explains how to overcome doubt, guilt, and selfishness, and motivates the reader with a golden chain of encouragement and assurance. Most of the material is taken from the unpublished letters and manuscript of the author. Your life will be changed by this inspired summons to a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ.


Pastoral Ministry By Ellen G White:

Description: From the rich treasury of Ellen White's writings, the compilers of this book have brought together a selection of inspired counsels that apply most directly to the life and work of the local church pastor. Members of the General Conference Ministerial Association in conjunction with The White Estate are pleased to make this compilation available. Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration. An invaluable resource for every Adventist pastor.


Patriarchs And Prophets By Ellen G White:








Description: Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel's King David. With unusual insights, the author describes the role of our planet in the cosmic conflict between right and wrong, truth and error. She describes the tragic rebellion that took place in heaven many thousands of years ago and makes plain that this ongoing conflict between Satan and God affects each person who lives on Earth. Patriarchs and Prophets shows how this conflict worked itself out in the lives of men and women in Old Testament times. It answers such questions as, Where did we come from? Where are we going? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results? In Indonesian click here.


Peter’s Counsel To Parents By Ellen G White:








Description: The book of Second Peter contains invaluable counsel for both young and old. In this collection of Ellen White's sermons on Second Peter, special emphasis is placed on child education, school work, and practical godliness in parenting and family life.


Prayer By Ellen G White:








Description: “Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power.” The atmosphere of prayer and devotion throughout the day is an important part of spiritual life—especially in these last moments of Earth's history. This publication provides a practical collection of helpful statements to enrich and deepen our prayer life and communion with our Lord.


Prophets And Kings By Ellen G White:








Description: Prophets and Kings, the second volume in the Conflict of the Ages series, opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Here the reader will find fascinating characters—wise Solomon, fearless Elijah, wicked Ahaz, beloved Daniel, courageous Jeremiah, and many others. Their experiences provide rich lessons of faith and evidences of God’s love and providential care. In Indonesian click here.


The Publishing Ministry By Ellen G White:

Description: In regard to the publishing work, Ellen White wrote, “Let everyone professing the name of Christ act a part in sending forth the message, or ‘The end of all things is at hand’; or ‘prepare to meet thy God.’” She added that the gospel publications “should go everywhere.” In The Publishing Ministry, Mrs. White not only stresses the importance of the literature work in these last days, but she also gives counsel in regard to leadership, co-working, distribution, content, and every other aspect related to the publication of God's message to the world.


Radiant Religion By Ellen G White (Devotionals):



The Retirement Years By Ellen G White:

Description: In this volume Ellen White offers many inspired and inspiring answers to questions raised by golden-agers. These gems of thought have been gleaned from her letters, manuscripts, books, and periodical articles, many of which were written after she was 65–the 23 years from 1892-1915. It is hoped that this collection of letters, articles, and messages from the pen of God’s devoted servant will be a practical and cherished source of wisdom and guidance to people of retirement years, as well as to those of pre-retirement times who wish to grasp more fully the statement of Christ: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).


Reflecting Christ By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: A mirror turned away from the sun cannot reflect its rays. And a human being turned away from God’s Son cannot reflect His love to others. As Christians, our responsibility is to share with others what God has shown to us. Ellen G. White had much to say about this responsibility—and the transforming effect of beholding Christ. This complete change of heart affects not only the spiritual life but also the physical, mental, and social. “When you remember that Christ has paid the price of His own blood for your redemption and for the redemption of others, you will be moved to catch the bright rays of His righteousness, that you may shed them upon the pathway of those around you.”


The Sanctified Life By Ellen G White:

Description: Under the general title of “Sanctification” there appeared in the early issues of The Review and Herald for 1881 a series of eleven helpful articles from the pen of Ellen G. White. In the same decade the eleven articles were drawn together and published as a pamphlet. In 1937 under the familiar title of The Sanctified Life, this material was again reissued in its entirety with the addition of one paragraph from Prophets and Kings to make the present volume.


Selected Messages, Book 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: During her 70 years of ministry Ellen G. White wrote more than 5,000 articles on a wide variety of subjects. The unique collection in this book includes important statements on inspiration, her work as messenger of the Lord, and the processes by which God communicates His will to the human family. It also includes fresh insights on Christian experience, soul wining, and the struggle between the forces of righteousness and the forces of evil for the allegiance of God's people. Of special value are messages presenting Christ in the central truths of the Advent message, and those that offer practical instruction, warnings, and counsel for the church.


Selected Messages, Book 2 By Ellen G White:



Selected Messages, Book 3 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 1 covers Genesis to Deuteronomy.


SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 3 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 4 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 5 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 6 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 7 By Ellen G White:



SDA Bible Commentray, Vol. 7A By Ellen G White:



A Sketch Of The Christian Experience And Views Of Ellen G White By Ellen G White:

Description: Published by James White, in 1851, this publication embodies a brief autobiographical sketch and visions given to Ellen White, many of which appeared earlier in various periodicals. This text was later reprinted and included in Early Writings.


Sketches From The Life Of Paul By Ellen G White:

Description: This book is a much-loved work of 32 chapters, devoted to the life and teachings of the apostle Paul. Later, it was replaced by The Acts of the Apostles (1911), which also deals with the experience of the other apostles. This was in harmony with the larger planning for the five volumes of the Conflict of the Ages series, where it fills the gap between The Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy.


A Solemn Appeal By Ellen G White:

Description: This publication includes seven chapters of the original multi-author publication, A Solemn Appeal Relative to Solitary Vice and Abuses and Excesses of the Marriage Relation, compiled by James White. These portions of text by Ellen White are also presented—even more comprehensively —in The Adventist Home, Section V, and Child Guidance, Section XVI.


Sons And Daughters Of God By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: From the inspired pen of Ellen G. White flowed a steady stream of messages of encouragement, counsel, instruction, and enlightenment. The gems in this collection were gleaned from her books, periodical articles, and unpublished letters and manuscripts. Each reading holds forth the highest possible standard of spiritual attainment, offering to every son and daughter of God “an outlay of heaven's treasures, an excellency of power” that will place the redeemed “higher than the angels who had not fallen.” In every paragraph is heard the Spirit's call to lift the cross—and ”those who lift the cross will find that . . . the cross lifts them.”


The Southern Work By Ellen G White:

Description: In answer to Ellen White’s historic 1891 testimony her son James Edson White began evangelistic and educational work among Southern Blacks, using a missionary boat that plied the Mississippi River. Ellen White produced an ongoing series of testimonies on this subject, which Edson gathered up and published in 1898 and 1901. This reprint of that work, with the inclusion of additional material, reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and one in the Spirit.


Special Testimonies On Education By Ellen G White:

Description: Special Testimonies on Education brings together many previously unpublished letters and manuscripts written to parents, teachers, and school workers. Counsel is given on every facet of child guidance—from practical work and academics, to character growth and spirituality. As this publication proves, education entails much more than just a classroom lesson.


The Spirit Of Prophecy, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: The Spirit of Prophecy, volumes 1-4, was the second publication of what is now known as the Conflict of the Ages series, vividly detailing the great controversy between God and Satan from beginning to end. In this first volume, the beginning of the war in heaven is described, and narration continues until the time of Solomon's reign.


The Spirit Of Prophecy, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:



The Spirit Of Prophecy, Vol. 3 By Ellen G White:



The Spirit Of Prophecy, Vol. 4 By Ellen G White:



Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: The gift of prophecy, bestowed on God's faithful throughout history, most recently rested upon Ellen White, who conveyed the given messages in admonition and writing. Many of her earliest testimonies and views are published in the Spiritual Gifts volumes. Volume one of the series presents her original publication regarding the great controversy between God and Satan, in which is chronicled the fall of Lucifer in heaven, the work of patriarchs and prophets, the ministry of Christ Jesus, the powerful days of the apostolic church, the persecution of the Dark Ages, and a prophetic view of the great and final battle and triumphal victory of the God who is Love.


Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:



Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3 By Ellen G White:



Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4a By Ellen G White:



Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4b By Ellen G White:



From Splender To Shadow By Ellen G White:

Description: As part of the Conflict of the Ages series, Prophets and Kings stands out in its narration of both the ups and downs of God's people. From Israel's greatness under Solomon's reign, to her downfall during the Babylonian captivity, and the subsequent history up to the time of Christ, God always had His faithful few who stood for truth in every circumstance. From Splendor to Shadow is a condensed version of these fascinating experiences, and details the lives of so many godly men and women who have gone before us.


Steps To Christ By Ellen G White:

Description: Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. In just thirteen short chapters, you'll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You'll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus.In Indonesian click here.





The Story Of Jesus By Ellen G White:

Description: An “adaptation” of materials prepared for The Desire of Ages as they came from the pen of Ellen G. White, presenting the high points of the story of Jesus in a vocabulary suitable for children.


The Story Of Redemption By Ellen G White:

Description: In the mid-nineteenth century Ellen White experienced a series of visions concerning “the great controversy of the ages between Christ and Satan.” These visions inspired a small work entitled Spiritual Gifts, which was later expanded into a four-volume work, The Spirit of Prophecy. Later this material was further amplified and published in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series. The Story of Redemption contains the heart of The Spirit of Prophecy, with additional material. In chronological order it covers God’s dealings with humanity from the primordial fall of Lucifer to the new earth, with behind-the-scenes glimpses often supplying details not found in Scripture.


Supplements To The Christian Experience And Views Of Ellen G White By Ellen G White:

Description: This publication presents an explanation of some misunderstood phrases in Experience and Views and certain further counsels, some of which had appeared in The Review and Herald. Reprinted in 1882 with Experience and Views and included in Early Writings.


Temperance By Ellen G White:

Description: Temperance was a favorite theme of Ellen G. White, both in her writings and in her public speaking. Through the years, she urged everyone, both young and old, to practice temperance and to promote it vigorously. Although society has changed markedly since Mrs. White lived and wrote, the principles she stressed regarding temperance remain remarkably relevant to contemporary life. The power of alcohol and other forms of intemperance to destroy health, moral fiber, and spiritual discernment is still present today. The selections appearing in this book have been drawn from the whole range of her writings on the topic, including sources long out of print.


Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: The nine volume-set of counsels from the Spirit of Prophecy contain spiritual commentary of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church during Ellen White’s time.


Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 3 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 4 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 5 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 6 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 7 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 8 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies Of The Church, Vol. 9 By Ellen G White:



Testimonies On Sabbath-School Work By Ellen G White:

Description: These selections from Ellen White's Sabbath School Worker articles are chronologically arranged and supplemented with selections from the Testimonies. Counsel is given on nearly every aspect of the Sabbath-school work, giving guidance on didactic methods, as well as setting out the practical and character qualifications of teachers and their helpers.


Testimonies On Sexual Behavior, Adultery, And Divorce By Ellen G White:

Description: This book is a compilation of Ellen White statements relating to appropriate behavior between men and women and how to handle problems that arise, plus compassionate counsel for situations where the marriage covenant has been broken and/or when divorce is being considered.In Indonesian click here.


Testimonies To Ministers And Gospel Workers By Ellen G White:

Description: Ellen White’s vital messages to church leaders following the historic 1888 Minneapolis General Conference session were published as Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers in 1923. Though many years have passed since Ellen White first wrote these testimonies, they still probe the heart, stir the soul, and point to God’s love and Christ’s power to save to the uttermost.


Testimonies To Southern Africa By Ellen G White:

Description: As part of her deep interest in the African field, Ellen White corresponded with several missionaries, leaders, and believers in the continent. This collection of her letters contains counsel—both spiritual and practical—for the work in foreign lands. But these truths are just as applicable to us as well—no matter what our location or calling.


Testimony Studies On Diet And Foods By Ellen G White:

Description: A comprehensive handbook to health and diet reform as set forth in the Spirit of Prophecy, this volume is a compilation from many previously published sources. The chapters of this publication are listed topically in alphabetical order, and cover many common themes related to diet and health.


Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1 By Ellen G White:

Description: This series contains approximately one third of the content of the Testimonies, presenting the essential counsels for the world field without the repetition of subject matter that was inevitable in the nine-volume Testimonies issued over a fifty-five year period. The articles arranged in their natural chronological order present the counsels within easy reading compass. Also included are a few articles of world-wide interest from other sources, such as counsel on attendance at public school on the Sabbath. This series is designed for wider use in simple Testimony reading, especially by new believers.


Testimony Treasures, Vol. 2 By Ellen G White:



Testimony Treasures, Vol. 3 By Ellen G White:



That I May Know Him By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime in such periodicals as the Review and Herald, Youth's Instructor, and Signs of the Times. About one third is drawn from unpublished manuscripts and letters in the custody of the trustees of the Ellen G. White writings, under whose direction the volume has been prepared. Many of these unpublished items are from personal heart-to-heart messages sent to individuals–messages that come to us today with the same earnest appeal, the same tender admonition and encouragement, as when they were written. Of special interest are several pages which contain extracts from early morning entries in Ellen White's diary, and give the reader significant glimpses into her personal prayer life.


This Day With God By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: The devotional writings of Ellen G. White are a rich source of inspiration to millions of people throughout the world. This volume is unique in that the readings are not clustered around a central theme, but are arranged according to the day on which they were originally written. They are drawn largely from unpublished letters and manuscripts, and each reading provides the name and position of the individual to whom the message was originally addressed. This collection includes advice to church administrators, counsel to Ellen White's newlywed son Edson, cautions for the bold, and hope for the discouraged. Always the author's purpose is to encourage the reader to aim for the highest standard of Christian discipleship.


Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessing By Ellen G White:

Description: The “greatest sermon ever preached” was given on a once-unnamed mountain, now known as the mount of the Beatitudes. The words there spoken 2000 years ago have echoed down through the ages as guidance and encouragement for Christians on the upward path. Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful. These blessings form only a part of the message Christ gave on that crowded hillside. This publication expounds on and gives insight into the deep messages behind Christ's greatest sermon.

In Indonesian click here.


From Trials To Triumph By Ellen G White:

Description: In the power of the Early Rain, the first apostles took the gospel to all ends of the known world. But they were not met without resistance. In this condensed version of The Acts of the Apostles, the reader travels with the early believers as they preached the message of Christ in their home country and in heathen lands, experiencing terrible defeat and wonderful triumph. Their experience is a foretaste of our work under the power of the Holy Spirit in our day.


True Revival By Ellen G White:

Description: This volume collects Ellen White's most important writings on revival. She helps us distinguish between true and false revival, and talks about how revival reveals itself in our Christian walk.


The Truth About Angels By Ellen G White:

Description: Although the Bible describes angels as God’s messengers who carry out His will on earth, misconceptions abound regarding their nature and role in human affairs. Ellen G. White often lifted the veil between the seen and the unseen world, setting forth the truth about angels and their involvement in events on earth, as she described what God brought to her mind. Beginning with Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven and continuing to the work of angels after the end of sin, this volume provides a behind-the-scenes view of the existence and activities of angels as they go about the work of heaven. Best of all, it will help you enjoy the fellowship of angels in your daily walk with God.


The Upward Look By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: “Looking unto Jesus, not only as our Example, but as the Author and Finisher of our faith, let us go forward, having confidence that He will supply us with all the strength that is needed for every duty.” Throughout her life Ellen G. White continually pointed to Jesus as our hope and salvation. Whether she was offering messages of reproof for errant believers or providing instruction for the faithful, her recurring theme was Christ—and Christ alone. In these excerpts from her letters and manuscripts, our thoughts are lifted heavenward as we are encouraged to “follow on step by step, with our eyes fixed upon our Leader.” Truly, we are capable of being genuine Christians only when our attention is focused on Christ.


The Voice In Speech And Song By Ellen G White:

Description: The tongue and speech are gifts from God, Ellen White states. And indeed, many Proverbs confirm the great influence of these talents—both for good and harm. Therefore, it behooves us to rightly cultivate these divine gifts. This publication emphasizes our responsibility as Christians to use voice correctly, illustrates how Christ used this gift, and gives practical counsel about how we can effectively train this mighty power.


Welfare Ministry By Ellen G White:

Description: Spirit of prophecy instruction in the delicate work of reaching hearts and winning souls through neighborly kindness. This is a type of soul-winning ministry with which many Seventh-day Adventists are but casually acquainted—yet a work is ordained of God as the most appropriate means of bringing Christ and Christianity to the attention of the peoples of the world. It is a work that promises rich rewards.



A Word To The Little Flock By Ellen G White:

Description: This short publication is an excerpt from a slightly larger work by the same name, which was published in 1847. The original book also contained articles by James White and Joseph Bates. In this selected Ellen White material, important visions and views are related regarding the Adventist experience and future events.


Ye Shall Receive Power By Ellen G White (Devotionals):

Description: The promise of the Holy Spirit has been cherished by all generations of God's people since the time of the apostles. In this daily devotional, Ellen White expounds on the importance of this “most essential gift,” the effects of His presence in our lives, and what we can do to co-work together with Him.


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